Happily Ever Crowned Read online

Page 3

  Grigory muttered to himself, shaking his head. But the giant knew his mother spoke the truth. He finally conceded with a nod before pinning me with a glower. “You better kick his ass.”

  “That’s the plan,” I replied, relaxing into my chair while stroking the metal around my wrist. “But I need the queen first.”

  Lux nodded. “Her power is slowly awakening. If you can access it before Necros, he won’t stand a chance.”

  “And since your sources spread false information on how to do that, I have the advantage.” I just had to win the queen’s affection. Shouldn’t be too hard a task. Especially with Necros as a husband.

  “You’re ready,” Lux said again, a smile brightening her pale features.

  “I am,” I agreed.

  This was my destiny.

  My chosen path.

  My retribution.

  Caluçon would burn. And my family would finally be avenged.

  Necros grunted as he thrust into me one final time and finished. I had no pleasure from the experience, just soreness and the sticky feeling of his cum coating my insides. No doubt it would run down my thighs next. He pulled out and smacked my ass—his way of signaling that I could now lower myself to my stomach, if I wanted.

  “Time to get ready, wife. Lots of important guests coming and I can’t wait to show you off.” He slid from the bed and pulled his pants up; he never bothered to take them off. I’d yet to see him fully naked since we married six months ago. He only wanted a quick fuck, something he required I give.

  “I hope you’ll be on your best behavior tonight,” he continued. “Wouldn’t want to have to reprimand you for showing me up.”

  I swallowed as I slowly sat up on the bed. The weight of his stare sent ice through my veins, the threat underlining his words palpable.

  “I’ll make sure I don’t embarrass you,” I managed to reply, my throat dry. The words sounded wrong to my ears. I wouldn’t be the one doing the idiotic things. I’d be the perfect subservient wife. It was all I knew how to do -- take orders and be bullied into saving the world for everyone else at my own cost.

  At least I would get to meet new people tonight.

  I plastered a smile on my face as my husband gathered his black leather jacket from a Queen Anne chair in my room and pulled it back around him.

  “Good girl.” He rewarded me with a tap to the head, similar to how one might pat a small creature. “I want you to wear color tonight. No black. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Black would suit my mood better, but I would find something to satisfy him. Might even enjoy it.

  Like a rainbow amongst the darkness, my wardrobe offered an outfit in every color, all grouped together like the meteorological phenomenon. Zaya and I had enjoyed shopping together and then sorting the clothes. It was a trip my husband had funded.

  He’s not all bad, I thought, chiding myself for ever thinking ill of my husband. He wasn’t a bad man, really. He looked after me and gave me wonderful possessions, but sometimes monetary objects weren’t everything. I wanted companionship, laughter and chatter, and maybe a little passion.

  “Good. I’ll be back to retrieve you shortly.”

  Sighing heavily, I watched Necros take his leave before standing up and wrapping myself in a gown. I could feel the evidence of yet another attempt to get me pregnant leaking from inside me. I hoped it worked this time, as the last thing I wanted to do was displease Necros. He needed this from me to secure his power.

  Apart from his short visits to fuck me, I saw very little of my husband. He was busy networking with the kingdoms surrounding Caluçon.

  Still, I was grateful he gave me these short moments of his life.

  A tear trickled out of the corner of my eye and down my cheek.

  Who the hell was I kidding? I hated it here.

  My world had fallen apart since I married Necros, and I didn’t know how much more I could take. I was lonely and bored and did little but read all day, every day. At least as his fiancée, I’d been busy with preparations for the future and trainings on how to be a dutiful wife. Now, it was as though my life had become little more than a vessel for my husband to stick his dick in whenever—

  A quiet knock cut into my thoughts.

  “Come in,” I called, knowing who it would be before Zaya appeared with her head bowed. My husband never knocked.

  “My Queen,” she said, curtsying. She did it every time despite my telling her to stop with the formalities. Respect for authority was drilled into her by her parents. The women of her family always served the queen in some capacity, and I was grateful to have her by my side. She knew exactly what I needed to do, plus she had a wicked sense of humor that prompted much laughter together when nobody was looking.

  I motioned for her to rise.

  “Shall I run you a bath?”

  I nodded. “Please.”

  She wandered off into the bathroom, and a moment later I heard the water start. I opened the closet in my room and looked at the array of dresses. My dark mood had me eyeing the black and blues of my wardrobe, but I couldn’t be that woman tonight. I needed to show the might of a worthy queen. What dress to wear?

  “May I suggest pink?” Zaya said from the bathroom door. “It gives you regal beauty, and I think it’s your best color.”

  I stepped toward the fuchsia hues and flicked through the offerings. My wedding dress hung there, a luxurious ball gown I’d never wear again because of the memories associated with it. But the outfit beside it caught my eye.

  Plum patterns decorated the dark pink bodice and breast cups—the form of which would emphasize my curvy figure. It all flowed into a translucent skirt that would both hide and showcase my long legs. A matching pair of gloves finished the ensemble.


  “I’ll wear this one.” I showed it to Zaya, and she flashed me a playful smirk. I shook my head at her, knowing what she was thinking. “It’s not like that.” I didn’t need to attract my husband. He came to me often enough already. But okay, maybe I wanted others to see me, too. Just to realize my potential.

  Lonely indeed.

  “Whatever you say, My Lady. Bath’s ready.”

  I strode past her with my own mischievous grin and dropped my gown on the floor before climbing into the warm tub. I sank beneath the water and allowed it to wash all the evidence of my husband’s lovemaking away. When I resurfaced, Zaya held out the shampoo.

  “Thank you.” I took the bottle and squirted a healthy amount into my thick chestnut hair.

  “It’ll be good to get out and dance a little tonight, maybe meet some new people.” Zaya fetched a strawberry-smelling conditioner while I rinsed the shampoo from my strands. Then she brushed the conditioner through the long locks.

  “It will be,” I agreed. “I feel like it’s been so long since we’ve had guests. The wedding was the last time, and I didn’t enjoy that nearly as much as I’d hoped.” I flinched when Zaya found a knot in my hair and combed it with a fury. At least, I thought that was what she was doing. Unless she was showing her anger at what I’d said?

  She sputtered out several words I’d not heard from her since my wedding night. It shocked me. I considered her to be mild-mannered, and she didn’t know I’d overheard her outburst that night. I’d pretended to be asleep because I hadn’t wanted to talk to anyone.

  “Did you mention to the king about that idea you had?” she asked, effectively deflecting from her little tirade. “Rinse first,” she added, her ministrations with my hair done.

  I ducked under the water as instructed and then stepped out of the bath. She wrapped a large, fluffy towel around me, and I dried myself while she retrieved a deodorant from a cabinet in my bathroom.

  “I’ve not seen him long enough to discuss it yet,” I said, replying to her question. The truth was, I’d been reluctant to try to talk to my husband about any of the ideas I’d had to fill my time. It wasn’t because I thought he’d hate them; it was just that, at the moment, he wanted me
to concentrate on other duties to help him as the king—namely, the heir he desired.

  “It’s a superb idea,” Zaya informed me. “Maybe if tonight goes well, you can try to talk to him. I know a lot of the demonic women working in the kingdom would enjoy it.”

  I sighed.

  While traveling back from our shopping trip the other day, Zaya and I had noticed an encampment of poorer demons trying desperately to teach their children skills to better their futures. We’d stopped to chat with them and had even helped instruct some of the children. The women were grateful and expressed a wish for someone who could train the children so they could work and help assist their husbands with bringing money into their families. I’d thought it was a right for everyone to have an education, but it seemed not. After returning to the palace, I’d developed an idea for a program that could assist those less fortunate than myself.

  Only, I hadn’t spoken to my husband about it yet.

  Maybe I should listen to Zaya and talk to him after the ball. Assuming everything went right tonight, of course.

  I cleared my head and focused on donning the pink-and-purple dress. As with everything else in my closet, it fit perfectly.

  Zaya straightened my hair before adding a curl to the ends and placed a crown on top of my head. It would be my first time wearing it to a public event, something that should have excited me but didn’t due to the heaviness of the solid gold piece. I’d probably have a stiff neck tomorrow from the weight of carrying it on my head all night.

  Still, there were worse things in life than being a royal.

  “How do I look?” I asked.

  Zaya swiped around my lips with a deep purple lipstick and stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Stunning,” she praised with a giggle. “You’ll be the envy of every lady in the room and the object of attraction for all the men.”

  I bit my lip. “I’m not sure Necros will like that.” And I didn’t really want to be the center of attention, either.

  “Tonight is all about him showing you off. He’ll want every man in the room jealous that they can’t have you, while he can.”

  “The prize he won in battle.” I huffed and stood in front of the mirror. I did look pretty.

  Yes, tonight, my husband would show me off to make everyone envious. It was why he’d suggested I wear color. It flattered me better than black. If this was his intention, then I’d make him proud, and when he was happy, I’d ask him to give me a greater role in the kingdom to help those who needed it.

  “Are you ready, wife?” Necros’s stern, deep tone came from behind my bedroom door. He didn’t wait for me to answer but entered as he always did and then halted on the threshold, his eyes sparkling with lust.

  “Fuck me,” he breathed. “I’m a lucky man.”

  My cheeks heated beneath the compliment, causing my eyes to drop to the ground. “Thank you.”

  He held out his hand for mine, yanking me to him. “Let’s go before I decide to skip the entire thing and fuck you all evening instead.”

  “Later,” I replied coyly, my insides protesting at the idea of him taking me again so soon. But I wanted him happy. Pliable. Easy to talk to. And maybe that was the only way to achieve my conversational goals.

  “That’s for certain.” He winked at me and then, completely out of character, tenderly pressed his lips to my cheek. “You know, you’re everything I wanted in a wife—beautiful, submissive, and well groomed.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a gold bracelet studded with emeralds and rubies to match my crown. “I know the last few months have been difficult. I’m still learning my role, but I promise it’ll get better. You’ll see.”

  He slid the bracelet onto my wrist, and I instantly felt guilty. I’d cursed my husband more than once during our short marriage, but he was doing everything for us. For the betterment of this kingdom.

  I would do better for him, too.

  I went to my toes to kiss him on the lips—a kiss he didn’t return. He never did. “I’ll always be what you need,” I vowed.

  “I know,” he replied. A hint of evil lurked in his expression as his mouth curled at the sides. “And you’ll prove it to me tonight. Let’s go.”

  Necros took my hand and we left my bedroom together, the King and Queen of Caluçon ready to make their grand entrance to the assembled guests in the ballroom.

  The hairs along my arms danced, warning me of the approaching royal before he stepped onto the platform above. Power oozed from his pores, shrouding the room in a cloud of energy that made it difficult to breathe.

  A standard show of authority, one that called the shadows within me to the surface as if preparing for a fight. And wouldn’t that be a colossal waste of training? Grigory would never let me live it down.

  I lifted the blood wine to my lips and swallowed the urge to react.

  Many fell to their knees beneath the onslaught of dominance, revealing those in the ballroom who posed a threat to King Necros’s position. He eyed each and every one of us, his lips curling at the turnout. Hosting other royals and powerful figures in his kingdom wasn’t a typical occurrence. No, we were all invited here tonight for a purpose—to help him break the beautiful woman at his side.

  Innocence radiated from her as she studied the mostly male audience watching her descent. The poor little bird clearly had no idea what was waiting for her tonight, the fate she was expected to endure.

  Some of the attendees were only here for the show.

  Others were here to fight.

  I’d come to win.

  “Welcome,” Necros said loudly as they reached the marble floor at the bottom of the grand staircase. He held his wife close, his muscular form highlighting her dainty appearance. How could so much power reside in such a fragile female?

  One thing was for sure—when she gave me her heart, it would break her irrevocably. Likely even kill her.

  The room stilled, all the focus falling on the almighty king and waiting for him to speak. Queen Valora glanced up at him with a pretty blush that crept down her neck and lower into her subtle cleavage. Definitely a gorgeous woman. Seducing her wouldn’t be a hardship.

  I took another sip of my wine, affecting a bored pose. Many were still on their knees, the weight of Necros’s presence hanging heavy in the air. Those of us left upright were the ones he sought, the most powerful beings of the Underworld aroused by the chance to play this deadly game. The invitation for tonight had reached every kingdom, only the most daring accepting.

  Or perhaps those with a death wish.

  Because most would not survive the evening.

  Immortality only helped us heal indefinitely, but certain weapons—like the ones used against my parents—made for a more permanent demise. I possessed two such blades, having prepared myself for the tasks ahead. Others would rely on Necros’s supposed hospitality. I knew better.

  “Ah, there are more of you than I anticipated.” Approval deepened Necros’s tone. “You can’t know how much this pleases me.”

  Oh, I have a good idea, I thought dryly, hiding my smirk behind my glass. My opposite hand remained in the pocket of my suit pants, my thumb running over a sharp edge just in case I needed it sooner rather than later. But Necros’s green gaze held only intrigue when he caught sight of me, my pale skin and drink of choice signaling my identity, not the shadows lurking deep inside.


  “As most of you know, I was recently wed to the beauty at my side.” Necros glanced down at the blushing female, his lips tilted in a sinister grin. “Valora, Queen of Caluçon. Isn’t she gorgeous?” Her cheeks reddened even more as she lowered her gaze demurely. An odd reaction for someone who supposedly contained unworldly power.

  What if Lux had it wrong?

  The prophecy of Valora’s life energy was just that—a myth. Not many knew of it. But it all stemmed from the same legend that had cost my parents their lives. Necros believed the Shadow Kingdom would overrun his kingdom of the dead, and took everyone out.

  Everyone except me.

  Because my mother had overheard the prophecy from the heavens, whether by fate or divine intervention, I didn’t know. However, she’d used the information to hide me away in Noxia just before the attack. And part of that story foretold of a great power in Graystall, one that would rule them all.

  I wondered how many others in this room knew of the tales, but most of the males were merely observing Valora with open lust, not calculation.

  “Unfortunately, I have a problem,” Necros continued on a dramatic sigh. “You see, while gorgeous, she’s quite unskilled. Something I take full responsibility for since I kept her chaste for our wedding. But over the last six months, she’s not really taken to my methods or shown any signs of improvement. So I’ve called you all here to help me train my wife in matters of the bedroom.”

  The queen’s shoulders went rigid, her lips parting at the degrading speech. But her husband wasn’t done.

  “I mean, six months and she’s still not with child. So either she’s barren or something nefarious is at play. Regardless, if she can’t provide me with an heir, then I’ll use her for something else. Which is why I’ve called you all here tonight to participate in the competition at hand. There are seven nights of the week, and I only require one, which gives six of you an opportunity to claim one of her other evenings. For compensation, of course, and I will only permit the strongest among you the chance to fuck my wife.”

  Valora had gone white now, her body appearing even frailer among the masses. Some part of me had hoped to see a fight, or perhaps even a glimpse of her power surface, yet she remained infuriatingly subservient at the king’s side, as if her stiletto-clad feet were glued to the ground.

  “One more item before we begin—a consolation prize of sorts.” Necros glanced over his broad shoulder toward the top of the stairs. “Maximus?”

  A giant of a man appeared in a suit similar to my own, a small trembling girl at his side, with soft brown curls and round eyes filled with horror.